Safety tips when leaving your empty home during a travel

Never Forget to Arm Your Security System When Leaving Your House with These  4 Tips - Command One Security

Are you looking forward to the day when you would travel for the summer holiday or leave for a business trip? If yes, then your journey may require opinions about travel agencies to book your holiday or business trip.

Whilst away, therefore, the following tips would help protect your belongings from burglars in the search for homes to steal from when you are not at home or away:

Ensure Your Doors and Windows are Locked

To access your house most criminals do not break in rather they act on the assumption that the doors or windows might be open due to neglect and use any opening to gain access to your property.

Before departing for your travel endeavor that every window and door no matter where they are located are secured with locks to prevent them from gaining entrance.

Empty Your Mailbox

Your mail may be an indicator to smart burglars that you and/or family are not at home. Before leaving inform your mail provider or any news services that supply you to hold on until you return or get a trusted friend to help clear out your mail.

Create an illusion that you are at home

When they observe that your home is constantly dark for days, would provide them with the sign that nobody is around giving them an incentive to act. Leave some lights on at strategic parts of your property such as detector lights. You should also visit for more on how to create an illusion that you are not away.

Keep your travel plans a secret

People usually broadcast their travelling plans in their social media pages in a bid to secure more likes, comments and shares. Unfortunately, social media is a global village that attracts all sorts of people and thus your information can be seen by people that are not on your friends list. Most burglars use this information to target the address of persons after they have left for their travel and acting appropriately due to the information you provided.

Set up a security system

If you have already installed security cameras or have a security system in place, position them in places such as where they are observable to ward off prying eyes.

Secure your valuables

Do not keep your expensive properties in a visible place so as not to attract intruders. Make sure you keep these belongings out of view. Your cards, bank information and any other method of identification should be kept in a safe place as they can be used to swindle other people thereby incriminating you.

Keeping a car in the driveway

Reports gathered from repentant robbers that they are usually put off from homes that have cars parked in their driveway. If you have a car and do not wish to travel with it, then park it in your driveway ensuring it is secured.

Maintain your compound

If you do not have a hired service that caters for the appearance of your environment, then ensure to maintain it yourself. As an overgrowth of grass or untidy environment might send a signal that you are away.

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