English astronomer Edmond Halley whose identify is given to the comet that he studied extensively was a consummate scientist who made vital contributions not solely in astronomy but also in physics, meteorology, geophysics, and mathematics. Edmond Halley’s paper, A Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets,” which was published in 1705, is taken into account as his major contribution to astronomy.
As per the current policy a scientist/ Assistant Professor who joins with out Ph.D and completes the Ph.D after 14 years will get a pay of PB4 with 3 increments. On the other hand one who joins with Ph.D, can be receiving a pay of PB4 with 2 increments after 14 years of service. Though each of them appears to be having 14 years of service, the one joined without Ph. D avails a research interval of 3 years out of these 14 yeras and actually working for eleven years …