National Geographic Survey On Global Knowledge Of Young Americans
For a few years, the gospel of school rankings was the U.S. News and World Report’s annual checklist. Yet previously decade, the venerable magazine has faced some criticism for both its results and elusive ranking method. Some schools who had traditionally fared properly on the list even boycotted the annual event, refusing to return surveys and requests for info.
Will Finn ’09 will likely be working as an anesthesia technician on the Cleveland Clinic for a number of months before entering the Master of Science in Anesthesia program at the University of Missouri at Kansas City After this two-year program Will will probably be certified as an Anesthesiologist Assistant and will work with Anesthesiologists and different AAs in administering anesthesia to patients in the operating room. Brady Hardiman (AU’03, Biology, top photograph) is now a Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology. Brady …